84th Railsplitters Association
Western Racquet Club - 15 June 2024
Kristin & COL Dane Sandersen
SFC (Ret) Dennis Newhauser & guest
Lisa & CW3 (Ret) Jerry Wold
LTC (Ret) Tom Abts & SFC (Ret) Bill Krieger
SSG (Ret) Jim Kasun & Melissa Woller
SGM (Ret) Carol Ridgely & COL (Ret) William Ridgely
Karen & CSM (Ret) Charles Clark
Mrs. Issy Pochowski
Daughter Christine & COL (Ret) Dean Orley
Christine Orley with "Zeroed In" from the 484th Army Band
MAJ (Ret) Mary Oppliger & husband Art Gerschwiler
Art Gerschwiler
CSM (Ret) Mike Simmons & COL (Ret) Peter Pochowski
Music by "Zeroed In" from the 484th Army Band
Music by "Zeroed In" from the 484th Army Band
Music by "Zeroed In" from the 484th Army Band
Pat & COL (Ret) Al Cottrell
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